Come funziona il testosterone?

Come funziona il testosterone?
Questo fondamentale ormone ha due importanti funzioni: paracrina ed endocrina. Il testosterone secreto dai testicoli agisce in maniera endocrina per stimolare eventi periferici (come l'aumento della massa muscolare), e in modo paracrino per stimolare la spermatogenesi negli adiacenti tubuli seminiferi.
What are the symptoms of low testosterone in a man?
- This may include reduced sexual desire, fewer spontaneous erections — such as during sleep — and infertility. Changes in sleep patterns. Sometimes low testosterone causes insomnia or other sleep disturbances. Physical changes.
Does testosterone therapy help with hypogonadism?
- Testosterone therapy can help reverse the effects of hypogonadism, but it's unclear whether testosterone therapy would have any benefit for older men who are otherwise healthy. Although some men believe that taking testosterone medications may help them feel younger and more vigorous as they age,...
What is the role of testosterone in the male body?
- The male hormone testosterone plays an important role in the development and maintenance of typical masculine physical characteristics, such as muscle mass and strength, and growth of facial and body hair. Testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles. Testosterone helps maintain men's:
What is testosterone replacement therapy for low testosterone?
- Testosterone replacement therapy can improve the signs and symptoms of low testosterone in these men. Doctors may prescribe testosterone as injections, pellets, patches or gels.