Quando è stata costruita l'abbazia di Mont Saint Michel?

Quando è stata costruita l'abbazia di Mont Saint Michel?
709 d.C. L'edificazione dell'abbazia di Mont Saint-Michel risale al 709 d.C., quando il vescovo Aubert, della vicina città di Avranches, sognò l'Arcangelo San Michele, il quale gli chiese di costruire proprio sulla cima dell'isola un monastero in suo onore.
Who is Saint Michael and what does he do?
- Saint Michael is the leader of all the holy angels above Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. He is often working on missions to fight evil, proclaim God's truth, and strengthen the faith of the people. Although he is called a saint, he is truly an angel and a leader of them and ultimately the army of God. By definition, he is above others in the rank.
What is Le Culte de Saint Michel?
- Le culte de saint Michel est introduit en 708 sur le Mont, qui devient l'un des plus grands centres de pèlerinage médiéval. Les bénédictins y construisent une abbaye à partir du Xe siècle. Un défi aux assauts des hommes, du temps et des éléments.
What is the significance of the Abbey of St Michel?
- The worship of Saint Michel was introduced on the Mount in 708, and it became one of the most important places of medieval pilgrimage. Benedictine monks started building an abbey here in the 10th century. Withstanding the assaults of man, time and the elements.
When is the feast day of St Michael the Archangel?
- His feast day is celebrated on the 29th of September. St. Michael the Archangel has inspired artists, accompanied souls, and protected God’s people throughout the ages as the leader of the angels and a true warrior of God.