Come vendere monete rare su eBay?

Come vendere monete rare su eBay?
Vendere monete rare su eBay è molto semplice, per riuscirci basta seguire questi step:
- Create un account inserendo i vostri dati;
- Scattate alcune foto alle monete immortalandole da tutti i lati. ...
- Caricate le foto sulla sezione di eBay dedicata alla vendita;
- Aggiungete una descrizione dettagliata.
What is the value of 1 rare euro cent coins?
- 1 Rare Euro Cent Coins from 2003 from the Republic of San Marino, worth about 10€ under FdC conditions. The rarest 1 Rare Euro Cent Coins is a minting error. It is a unilateral minting, i.e. with an incision only on the back and without the year of minting. It is worth 550€ if FdC and you can see an example in the image below.
Where can I buy rare coins for sale?
- On eBay, you can find platinum bullion, gold bullion coins and bullion coins made from silver and other precious metals. eBay makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, so you won’t have to check multiple coin shops for those hard-to-get pieces. The rarer the coin, the higher the value.
What is the rarest dollar in the world?
- The Morgan Silver Dollar, which has a high liquidation rate. Franklin Half Dollars, which are rare and high quality. Only 445 million Franklins were produced between 1, and they were the only ones ever made.
What are the characteristics of the 5 euro cent coin?
- The 5 euro cent coin has a value of one twentieth of a euro and is made of steel covered with copper. It has a diameter of 21, 25 mm, weighs 3.92 grams and has a thickness of 1.67 mm. The axes in this case are also German style and the contour with horizontal thread.