Come accedere a Calamosche?
Come accedere a Calamosche?
Per raggiungerla è necessario imboccare la SP19 Pachino-Noto, dopo circa 11 chilometri da Pachino si troverà l'indicazione “Spiaggia di Calamosche” sulla destra, che costituisce un ingresso dedicato. Seguendo la strada sterrata, si arriva al parcheggio in cui è possibile lasciare l'auto e proseguire a piedi.
Quanto si cammina per Calamosche?
Per raggiungere la spiaggia di Calamosche è necessario camminare a piedi 15-20 minuti lungo un sentiero immerso nella macchia mediterranea, dopo aver lasciato la macchina nel parcheggio ai margini della riserva.
Where is Vendicari located?
- Vendicari Map. The nature reserve of Vendicari is located south of Siracusa, between Noto and Pachino. Famous for the birdwatching activity, Vendicari offers attractions of different type, in order to meet all the different needs: pure beaches, nature trails, archaeological sites, greek, Byzantine and medieval archaeological areas.
Where are the best beaches in Vendicari?
- We are in Calamosche, the most famous beach of the reserve of Vendicari. Calamosche, better known by the inhabitants of the place as “Funni Musca” is a sandy little bay that extends for about 200 meters, delimited by two rocky headlands that act as shield to the currents, with the result of an always calm and clear sea. Calamosche beach
How to get to calamosche?
- HOW TO REACH CALAMOSCHE. Calamosche has a dedicated entrance in the reserve of Vendicari: directly from the provincial road SP19 (click here for more info). The last stretch of road cannot be made by car. After leaving your car in the comfortable equipped parking place, you will have about 1.2 km walking to reach the beach of Calamosche.
Is there an interactive map of the wildlife oasis of Vendicari?
- Here is the interactive map of the wildlife oasis of Vendicari. This interactive map is designed to see all points of interest in few clicks, entrances and all the beaches to visit in the reserve. Each point of interest is marked by a different marker: There are 4 entrances to the reserve, choose the most appropriate according to your interests.