Come calcolare le calorie per dimagrire?


Come calcolare le calorie per dimagrire?

Come calcolare le calorie per dimagrire?

Questo articolo ti aiuterà a calcolare in quattro semplici passaggi il numero di calorie che consumi quotidianamente; potrai così calibrare la tua dieta in modo più corretto e scientifico....Calcolo calorie.
60-749,2 x P + 68811,9 x P + 700
>749,8 x P + 6248,4 x P + 819
P = perso corporeo espresso in kg

Come si fa a sapere di quante calorie si ha bisogno?

Una donna di media altezza e peso ha bisogno di assumere circa 2000 calorie al giorno per mantenere il peso, e 1500 calorie per perdere peso. Un uomo medio ha bisogno di 2500 calorie per mantenere il peso, e tra le 18 per perdere peso.

How can I count my calories?

  • Learning How to Count Calories Plan meals that have the right number of calories. Choose healthy foods. Drink plenty of water, especially before a meal. Check the calorie content of every food item before you buy it. Look up calories on nutritional websites. Get out the measuring spoons and cups to keep serving sizes exact.

What is the easiest calorie counter app?

  • MyFitnessPal is the top pick for our list of calorie counter apps because it has the biggest food database, an easy-to-use barcode scanner, and extras such as goal setting and tracking, fitness logging, and tons of community support.

How many calories should you eat per day?

  • Recommended calorie intake depends on factors such as age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall general health. Recommended daily calorie intakes in the US are around 2,500 for men and 2,000 for women. Eating a big breakfast could help with weight reduction and maintenance.

How do you calculate kcal?

  • Add the amounts of kcals in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins together for a total kcal count. To find the percentage of an individual component, divide the amount of kcals by the total kcal count. For example, if there are 45 kcals of fat in a 90 kcal product, you would divide 45 by 90.

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