Dove fare i fanghi a Ischia?
![Dove fare i fanghi a Ischia?](
Dove fare i fanghi a Ischia?
A poca distanza dal nostro hotel, nella baia di Citara, si trovano i bagni termali Giardini Poseidon, che costituiscono il parco termale più grande e, allo stesso tempo, più antico dell'isola, una delle tante località dove si possono trovare i famosi fanghi di Ischia.
How much does it cost to visit Negombo?
- 9 Days - €176 (€19.55 per day) 12 Days - €225 (€18.75 per day) 15 Days - €275 (€18.33 per day) Children less than 1 metre (3.28 feet) tall: can enter the park for free but can only use the sea-water pool and none of the thermal water pools. It is also possible to visit Negombo to simply walk around the park complex.
When will Negombo thermal gardens in Lacco Ameno open?
- Visitor guide to Negombo Thermal Gardens in Lacco Ameno including images, directions, entry-fees, 2021 opening times and other useful information. Negombo will be open from Friday 28th May 2021. Negombo Thermal Gardens is a thermal water park situated in the beautiful corner of Ischia known as San Montano Bay in Lacco Ameno.
What is negnegombo thermal gardens?
- Negombo Thermal Gardens is a thermal water park situated in the beautiful corner of Ischia known as San Montano Bay in Lacco Ameno.
Why choose Negombo Lagoon Hotel?
- This luxury Negombo lagoon hotel, which provides easy access to the airport and the commercial capital Colombo, is your getaway to paradise! Book early and receive a range of discounts up to 20%!