Come diagnosticare sindrome di Raynaud?


Come diagnosticare sindrome di Raynaud?

Come diagnosticare sindrome di Raynaud?

Il Fenomeno di Raynaud è facilmente riconoscibile in base a un tipico cambiamento di colore che avviene in tre fasi: le dita diventano prima bianche per lo spasmo dei vasi sanguigni, poi blu quando si ripristina la circolazione venosa, e infine rosse quando anche il sangue arterioso torna a circolare.

Come curare il morbo di Raynaud?

La strategia di cura standard dei pazienti sclerodermici con Fenomeno di Raynaud consiste nella somministrazione di farmaci che dilatano e rilassano i vasi arteriosi a livello digitale e cutaneo. Questi farmaci vasodilatatori riducono potenzialmente il numero degli attacchi e la severità degli episodi di Raynaud.

What is Raynaud's phenomenon and how does it affect you?

  • Raynaud’s phenomenon mainly affects hands and feet. If you have Raynaud’s phenomenon, your hands may change colour in cold weather and there may be pain, tingling and numbness. These attacks often only last a few minutes, but they can last two to three hours.

How do you get rid of Raynaud's phenomenon?

  • You may find that moving into a warmer environment often stops the attack. With primary Raynaud’s phenomenon your fingers usually go back to normal after each attack. Attacks of primary Raynaud’s phenomenon can be unpleasant and a nuisance, but they don’t usually damage your fingers.

Is Raynaud's disease considered a disability?

  • For most people, Raynaud's disease isn't disabling, but it can affect your quality of life. Raynaud's disease is a vascular disorder that causes intermittent interruption of blood flow to the extremities. The affected body part may turn white or blue and feel cold and numb until circulation improves.

Should I talk to my doctor about my Raynaud's symptoms?

  • See your doctor right away if you have a history of severe Raynaud's and develop a sore or infection in one of your affected fingers or toes. Doctors don't completely understand the cause of Raynaud's attacks, but blood vessels in the hands and feet appear to overreact to cold temperatures or stress.

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