What is the WISC 4 test?


What is the WISC 4 test?

What is the WISC 4 test?

The WISC-IV measures intellectual ability of children from 6 to 16 years. It was developed to provide an overall measure of general cognitive ability, and also measures of intellectual functioning in Verbal Comprehension (VC), Perceptual Reasoning (PR), Working Memory (WM) and Processing Speed (PS).

Is the WISC-IV still valid?

Conclusions: Results substantiate previous research on the WISC-IV, indicating that the general intelligence factor contributes the most reliable information. Consequently, it is recommended that interpretation of the WISC-IV remain at the Full-Scale IQ score level.

What does WISC test measure?

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition (WISC®-V) is an intelligence test that measures a child's intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

What WISC-IV score is gifted?

by Carolyn K., director, Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
Level of GiftednessFull Scale IQ score WISC-IV, WPPSI-III source: Assessment of Children
gifted or moderately gifted (G or MG)130-138
highly gifted (HG)138-145
exceptionally gifted (EG)145-152
profoundly gifted (PG)152-160

What is full scale IQ for a child?

Full Scale IQs between are considered within the "average range" (Mean IQ score is 100). * = source "Children with Mental Retardation" A Parents' Guide", (1993, Pub. Woodbine House Inc., p6).

How long are WISC scores valid?

Although the score is less than 6 months beyond what is considered current, the WISC-IV is no longer the same test that would be given because the child is now 17 years old and the WISC-IV is only appropriate for children through age 16 years and 11 months.

Is the WISC-IV reliable and valid?

Reliability for the WISC-IV is high with r = 0.97 for the FSIQ and r = 0.87–94 for the specific intelligence indices.

How do you score the WISC?

4:171:00:36Advanced Interpretation of the WISC-V - YouTubeYouTube

What is the normal IQ range for a child?

The average or normal, range of IQ is 90 to110; IQ scores of at least 120 are considered superior. Mental retardation is defined as an IQ below 70, which corresponds to the lowest 2.2 percent of the population (B. J. Sadock & V. A. Sadock, 2007).

How do I read my Wisc results?

Each Index Scale is comprised of two subtests that together make up the scale result....WISC-V Structure.
Composite Score RangeTraditional DescriptionWISC-V Classification
1SuperiorVery High
1High AverageHigh Average
80-89Low AverageLow Average

What is the sample test for WISC IV?

  • Free WISC®-IV Sample Test. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC®-IV) is an IQ test that is administered to children ages 6 to 16.

What is the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC®)?

  • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC®-IV) is an IQ test that is administered to children ages 6 to 16.

What is the IQ range of the WISC® test?

  • Each subtest score is combined to yield a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) which ranges from lowest 40 to highest 160 points. Questions within each subtest of the WISC® test get progressively more difficult as the test is administered.

What is the difference between WISC III and WISC IV?

  • The WISC–IV FSIQ is comprised of all 10 subtests that comprise the four index scores, including additional measures of working memory and processing speed. The WISC–III FSIQ included only one measure of processing speed and one measure of working memory in the FSIQ.

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