Come funzionano i mitocondri?


Come funzionano i mitocondri?

Come funzionano i mitocondri?

I mitocondri sono organelli cellulari presenti negli organismi eucarioti e sono considerati la centrale energetica della cellula. Al loro interno avviene la respirazione cellulare, con cui sono in grado di produrre grandi quantità di energia sotto forma di molecole di Adenosina Trifosfato (ATP).

What is mitochondrial disease?

  • Most people have never heard of mitochondrial disease. Once considered rare, it is now thought to affect people, making it the second most commonly diagnosed, serious genetic disease after cystic fibrosis.

What is World mitochondrial disease (Mito) week?

  • Mitochondrial Disease 19-25 SEPTEMBER 2021 World Mitochondrial Disease Week raises awareness of mitochondrial disease (mito) on a global scale through educational, fundraising and advocacy activities. What is Mitochondrial Disease?

What is genetic counseling for mitochondrial disorders?

  • Genetic counseling. Mitochondrial disorders may be caused by defects of nuclear DNA or mtDNA. Nuclear gene defects may be inherited in an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant manner. Mitochondrial DNA defects are transmitted by maternal inheritance.

Can mitochondrial dysfunction be treated or cured?

  • Scientists believe that in focusing on mitochondrial dysfunction, they may be able to devise effective treatments and potential cures for mito and help the millions of people who suffer from the above mentioned diseases.

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