Quanto sono affidabili i test HIV?


Quanto sono affidabili i test HIV?

Quanto sono affidabili i test HIV?

Dal produttore sappiamo che l'autotest ha una sensibilità (la probabilità che un soggetto infetto risulti positivo al test) del 100%, e una specificità (la probabilità che un soggetto sano risulti negativo al test) del 99,8%. (1) Ciò significa che su 10.000 persone, 9.999 non sono infette e 1 è HIV positiva.

Quanto sono attendibili i test Hiv in farmacia?

La sua attendibilità è del 99,8 per cento, purché prima di fare il test si osservi il cosiddetto intervallo finestra, ossia quel lasso di tempo che intercorre tra il momento del presunto contagio e la produzione di anticorpi che segnalano la presenza del virus.

What is confidential testing for HIV?

  • These tests are not available at every place that provides HIV testing. Confidential testing means that your name and other identifying information will be attached to your test results. The results will go in your medical record and may be shared with your health care providers and your health insurance company.

What lab tests are done to assess HIV treatment?

  • Your healthcare provider will repeat some of these tests as part of your ongoing HIV care to continue to assess your health and how well your HIV treatment is working. The lab tests may include: CD4 count: CD4 cells are a type of white blood cell. They are specialized cells of the immune system that are destroyed by HIV.

What is an anonymous HIV test?

  • Anonymous testing means that nothing ties your test results to you. When you take an anonymous HIV test, you get a unique identifier that allows you to get your test results. These tests are not available at every place that provides HIV testing.

How long does it take for HIV to be detected?

  • Screening and diagnosis for HIV. When you're first infected with HIV, and before your body has a chance to make antibodies to the virus, your blood has a high level of p24. The p24 antigen test is accurate 11 days to 1 month after getting infected. This test is usually not used by itself to screen for HIV infection.

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