Chi è il marito della Fico?


Chi è il marito della Fico?

Chi è il marito della Fico?

( EN ) Raffaella Fico, su Internet Movie Database, Raffaella Fico - Profile (English), su URL consultato il (archiviato dall' url originale l').

Come ha esordito Raffaella Fico?

Raffaella Fico debutta nel mondo dello spettacolo con la partecipazione al Grande Fratello, nel 2008. Appena uscita dalla celebre casa Raffaella si rende protagonista di una vicenda che la vede mettere all'asta la sua verginità.

How old is Raffaella Fico?

  • Raffaella Fico (born Janu) is an Italian showgirl, singer and model. Born in Cercola, Raffaella Fico is the daughter of two shopkeepers of fruit and vegetables. In August 2007, Fico won an Italian beauty contest, "Miss Grand Prix".

Who is Francesca Fico?

  • In August 2007, Fico won an Italian beauty contest, "Miss Grand Prix". She became first known one year later thanks to her participation in the eighth edition of Il Grande Fratello, the Italian version of the reality show Big Brother.

Who is Rita Raffaella from Big Brother Italy?

  • Raffaella came to prominence when she won the title of Italian Miss Grand Prix in August 2007. Soon she entered the eighth edition of ll Grande Fratello, which is the Italian version of the reality show Big Brother. There is no denying that she came into the limelight due to her appearance in the show.

Who is Mario Balotelli's daughter Pia Fico?

  • Mario Balotelli had finally acknowledged paternity of her daughter Pia on 6 February 2014. In June 2014 Raffaella Fico, under the record label Momy Records / Do It Yourself sang her debut single, joining as a singer in the world of pop / urban / hip-hop.

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