Cosa significa Versus in medicina?


Cosa significa Versus in medicina?

Cosa significa Versus in medicina?

‹vu-èsse› s. f. – in medicina, abbreviazione di velocità di sedimentazione, meno usata e meno propria della sigla ves (v.) «velocità di eritrosedimentazione».

Come si abbrevia verso?

verso, versi v., vv. volume, volumi vol., voll.

Come si abbrevia ad esempio?

La locuzione latina exempli gratia, utilizzata spesso nella forma abbreviata e.g., significa “ad esempio” (o "per esempio") e, come queste ultime, si usa per introdurre un'esemplificazione.

What is the difference between Nostro and vostro?

  • The terms Nostro and Vostro are used to differentiate between the two sets of accounting records kept by each bank. Nostro and Vostro are variations on the Latin words that mean "ours" and "yours," respectively.

What is the difference between the Dell Inspiron and Dell Vostro?

  • The only difference - and it wasn't insignificant - was that the Vostro came with WIndows Pro, while the Inspiron came with Windows Home. Both were at fundamentally the same price point, so the decision to buy the Vostro was a no-brainer. I have no doubt that a similar situation exists today.

What is a vostro account and how does it work?

  • A Vostro account is like any other account held by a bank. The account is a record of money owed to or maintained by a third party, typically another bank, but it can be either a company or an individual. Banks in the United Kingdom or the United States often hold a Vostro account on behalf of a foreign bank.

Should I buy a vostro laptop?

  • If it's for business, then Vostro is your best bet. If there were a sweet spot in the lineup, it would be the 14-inch 5000 series, which has a range of great specs, attractive prices, good design, and excellent build quality.

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