Come sono le donne del Montenegro?

Come sono le donne del Montenegro?
Bellissime, more, occhi scuri, fisico perfetto, viso sexy e carismatico. Ma anche molto tradizionaliste e sottomesse agli uomini. Si dice che ancora oggi nei paesi del Montenegro la donna debba lavare i piedi al suo uomo appena egli rientra in casa.
Who was Queen Elena of Montenegro?
- For more guidance, see Wikipedia:Translation. Princess Elena of Montenegro, or more commonly known as Queen Elena of Italy ( Montenegrin: Jelena Petrović Njegoš; 8 January 1873 – 28 November 1952) was the daughter of King Nicholas I of Montenegro and his wife, Milena Vukotić.
What was Queen Elena of Italy's maiden name?
- Princess Elena of Montenegro, or more commonly known as Queen Elena of Italy ( Montenegrin: Jelena Petrović Njegoš; 8 January 1873 – 28 November 1952) was the daughter of King Nicholas I of Montenegro and his wife, Milena Vukotić. As wife of Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, she was Queen of Italy from 19,...
What happened to Prince Michael of Montenegro and his wife?
- In 1943 she subsequently obtained the release from a German prison of her nephew, Prince Michael of Montenegro, and his wife, Geneviève. Prince Michael had been imprisoned after refusing to become King of Montenegro under the protection of Italy.
Is Queen Elena of Ethiopia a Servant of God?
- Due to the Fascist conquest of Ethiopia in 1936 and Albania in 1939, Queen Elena briefly used the claimed titles of Empress of Ethiopia and Queen of Albania; both titles were dropped when her husband formally renounced them in 1943. With the opening of the case for her canonization, she was made Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 2001 .