Qual è il significato della canzone The Sound of Silence?

Qual è il significato della canzone The Sound of Silence?
A raccontarci “il suono del silenzio” è infatti un gioco di luci e ombre, ma anche una voce fuori campo – quasi biblica – che detta e profetizza il destino di un'umanità incapace di comunicare. ...
What is the story behind the sound of silence?
- +19. General CommentThe song sound of silence is a lyric that uses imagery and symbolism very heavily. The story of it is that the author has a dream about ten thousand people bowing to a god they made of neon light. The god represents the fake and shallow culture they are building on pop stars and the dollar bill.
What is the meaning of the lyrics sound of silence?
- The theme of Sound of Silence is alienation and lack of communication. From the darkness (my old friend) onwards it carries that theme and loneliness along. "In restless dreams I walked ALONE" Then the neon light splits the night and touches the sound of silence.
What is the meaning of the sound of silence?
- Overall, sound of silence refers to the song “The Sound of Silence” written by Paul Simon . This song is about youthful alienation and about not being able to connect with others. It is heavily featured in the 1967 film The Graduate starring Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft.
Who wrote the song "the sound of silence"?
- Paul Simon is the composer of the music The Sound of Silence