Qual'è l'albergo di Shining?

Qual'è l'albergo di Shining?
Overlook Hotel L'Overlook Hotel è un edificio immaginario, principale luogo di ambientazione del romanzo Shining di Stephen King (1977) e dell'omonimo film di Stanley Kubrick del 1980.
Che ha fatto il film Shining?
Shining è il film che Stanley Kubrick ha tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Stephen King e che andrà in onda questa sera alle 21.33 su Iris.
Where is the Overlook Hotel from the Shining located?
- In the film The Shining, the Overlook Hotel's exterior is represented by Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood in Oregon. The interiors of the Overlook are based heavily on the Ahwahnee Hoteel at Yosemite.
Why is there no room 237 in the Shining?
- According to the Timberline Lodge website, http://www.timberlinelodge.com, "Kubrick was asked not to depict Room 217 (featured in the book) in The Shining, because future guests at the Lodge might be afraid to stay there. So a nonexistent room, Room 237, was substituted in the film.
What happened to the Overlook Hotel?
- The Overlook Hotel was a secluded hotel located in the Rocky Mountains. During its history, it was the site of many unsavory activities, including suicides, gangland hits, and many suspicious changes of ownership, yet the hotel remained a luxurious destination known for its sumptuous grounds and spectacular mountain view.
What can Jack find in Room 237?
- Danny checks out the mysterious Room 237. Wendy runs to tell Jack that there's a woman hiding in Room 237. Jack can't find anything in Room 237. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.