Dove è nata Paola di Liegi?


Dove è nata Paola di Liegi?

Dove è nata Paola di Liegi?

Forte dei Marmi Paola nasce a Forte dei Marmi nel 1937, figlia dell'asso dell'aviazione Folco Ruffo di Calabria: l'incontro con il futuro re Alberto avviene nel 1958 durante l'insediamento di papa Giovanni XXIII in Vaticano.

Chi è il marito di Melba Ruffo di Calabria?

Manuel Garcia-Durans. 2002 Melba Ruffo/Marito

Who was Fulco Ruffo di Calabria?

  • Fulco Ruffo di Calabria was born in Naples, Kingdom of Italy on 12 August 1884. Since at least 1797, his noble family's patriotism was prominent in Italian military history. He thus volunteered for reserve officer's training with the 11th Foggia Light Cavalry Regiment on 22 November 1904.

Who was Prince Beniamino Ruffo di Calabria?

  • Beniamino Ruffo di Calabria was the younger brother of the head of the House of Ruffo, Fulco Ruffo di Calabria-Santapau, 10th Principe di Scilla and 2nd Duca di Santa Cristina. Don Fulco was made, by decree of , Prince Ruffo di Calabria, in the Kingdom of Italy.

What happened to Giuseppe Ruffo di Calibria?

  • Upon the death of Francesco Baracca, Ruffo di Calibria assumed command of 91 a Squadriglia but was later relieved by Ferruccio Ranza when he suffered a nervous breakdown. Returning to duty, he assumed command of 10th Gruppo on 23 October 1918 but less than a week later, he was shot down by artillery fire near Marano.

What did Giuseppe Ruffo do in WW1?

  • World War I service. Ruffo di Calabria returned to military duty before Italy's entry into World War I, and was assigned to the Battaglione Aviatori (which later became the Corpo Aeronautico Militare) on 20 December 1914.

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