Come si scrive Yes Of Course?
- Come si scrive Yes Of Course?
- Come si scrive of course?
- Che cosa significa Course in italiano?
- Come rispondere a Of course?
- Come si risponde a Of course?
- Come si dice corsi in inglese?
- What is the noun form of course?
- What does it mean to change course mean?
- What is a traditional British main course?

Come si scrive Yes Of Course?
Sì certo. Yes of course! - Troubled young man. Sì, certo!
Come si scrive of course?
of course {avv.} of course! {inter.} magari!
Che cosa significa Course in italiano?
1 corso m., il fluire. 2 (progress) corso m., svolgimento m.: in the natural course of events nel corso naturale degli eventi. 3 (of a disease) corso m., decorso m. 4 (direction) corso m., direzione f.
Come rispondere a Of course?
Of course! inter—
- Certo! inter.
- Sicuro! inter.
- Ovvio! inter.
Come si risponde a Of course?
Yes, of course. Naturalmente.
Come si dice corsi in inglese?
course, class n. Mi sono iscritto a un corso di francese.
What is the noun form of course?
- course noun (DIRECTION) C1 [ C usually singular, U ] the direction in which a vehicle, especially an aircraft, spacecraft, or ship, moves, or the path along which a river flows: The pilot avoided a collision by changing course.
What does it mean to change course mean?
- the direction in which a vehicle, especially an aircraft, spacecraft, or ship, moves, or the path along which a river flows: The pilot avoided a collision by changing course. Changing the course of the river would cause serious environmental damage to the whole valley. figurative The debate completely changed course after Liz made her speech.
What is a traditional British main course?
- A traditional British main course consists of a meat dish with potatoes and other vegetables. If you make the main course, I'll make a dessert. I've only eaten one course and I'm already full. By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.