Come si effettua HPV test?

Come si effettua HPV test?
Le modalità di esecuzione dell'esame sono analoghe a quelle del Pap test: nel corso di una normale visita ginecologica, si applica lo speculum, uno strumento che dilatando il canale vaginale permette la visualizzazione e l'accesso al collo dell'utero.
Cosa significa essere positiva al papilloma virus?
HPV test positivo: nelle cellule prelevate dal collo dell'utero della paziente è stato identificato materiale genico del papilloma virus, elemento suggestivo di una infezione virale in corso → la paziente è considerata a rischio → necessità di valutazione citologica ed eventuali ulteriori indagini diagnostiche.
What is the HPV DNA test?
- The HPV DNA test is used to check for high-risk HPV infection in women. HPV infection around the genitals is common. It can be spread during sex. Some types of HPV can cause cervical cancer and other cancers. These are called high-risk types.
How do I know if I have HPV?
- Long-lasting HPV may also cause other cancers, including those of the anus, vagina, penis, mouth, and throat. An HPV test looks for high-risk HPV in women. Health care providers can usually diagnose low-risk HPV by visually examining the warts. So no testing is needed. While men can be infected with HPV, there is no test available for men.
When would my doctor recommend the HPV test?
- Your doctor may likely recommend the HPV test if: Your Pap test was abnormal, showing atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) The HPV test is available only to women; no HPV test yet exists to detect the virus in men. However, men can be infected with HPV and pass the virus to their sex partners.
What does it mean if my HPV test is negative?
- Results from your HPV test will come back as either positive or negative. Positive HPV test. A positive test result means that you have a type of high-risk HPV that's linked to cervical cancer. Negative HPV test. A negative test result means that you don't have any of the types of HPV that cause cervical cancer.