Come va a finire Elisa di Rivombrosa?

Come va a finire Elisa di Rivombrosa?
Dopo aver sventato la congiura contro il Re, Elisa e Fabrizio hanno ripreso il controllo del Castello di Rivombrosa, e possono finalmente coronare il loro sogno d'amore sposandosi davanti a Dio, grazie all'abate Van Necker, che non aveva mai amato Lucrezia e i suoi modi di fare.
What is the setting of Elisa di Rivombrosa?
- Set in the first half of the 18th century, Elisa di Rivombrosa tells of the tormented love story between Count Fabrizio Ristori and lady’s companion Elisa Scalzi who, after a thousand mishaps, intrigues and twists of fate, will manage to embrace her beloved Fabrizio, finally certain her oft-postponed wedding will take place.
Why does Elisa sign herself Elisa di Rivombrosa?
- The Countess's health gets worse and she keeps expressing her desire to see her son, the charming Count Fabrizio Ristori, who has been enlisted in the French army for the past 10 years. Elisa decides to communicate the Countess' desire to Fabrizio, so She writes him a letter and She signs herself as "Elisa di Rivombrosa" .
What does Fabrizio find when he arrives in Rivombrosa?
- When Fabrizio finally arrives in Rivombrosa, he finds out that Elisa is already out of prison and safe. When she comes thank the Count for his gesture, she decides with Fabrizio's approval to start working again at the Estate of Rivombrosa as a governess for Emilia, Fabrizio's niece and Anna's daughter.
Is Elisa di Rivombrosa in love with Christian Grey?
- Elisa di Rivombrosa: Yes. Christian Grey: I guess this is yours. Elisa di Rivombrosa: You always arrive just at the right moment to save me! Christian Grey: My love, if something bad happened to you, I don't know what I would have done! I love you! Elisa di Rivombrosa: I love you too! I love you too!