What episode do Meredith and Derek do the post it?


What episode do Meredith and Derek do the post it?

What episode do Meredith and Derek do the post it?

6. Season 5, Episode 24: Meredith and Derek Have a Post-It Note Wedding. Meredith and Derek end up giving their wedding to Izzie and Alex — which isn't really a big deal, since they were never big wedding people anyway.

What is Derek and Meredith's song?

The Piano Theme that comes on when Meredith and Derek have "moments" from the TV Show Grey's Anatomy. Song is titled "MerDer".

What is the last thing Meredith says to Derek?

“There comes a point where the desire to rest overrides the desire to live,” Derek says, before telling Meredith that her final words to him “gave me everything I needed until my last breath.”

Does Meredith fall in love after Derek?

William Thorpe William (played by Scott Elrod) was the first man Mer dated after the passing of Derek, so it was tragic for everyone. After avoiding him for quite a bit, they finally started dating and eventually did the deed. However, it quickly ended when she kicked him out of her house after a screaming match.

What song played during Derek's death?

Chasing Cars The episode of Grey's Anatomy when Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) died is one of the most tragic in the show's history. For many fans and creator Shonda Rhimes, hearing “Chasing Cars” causes tears to this day. However, that song wasn't originally chosen as the one for Derek's death.

Why did Derek kiss Renee?

While working with Derek Shepherd, she developed romantic feelings for him. ... However, the two did share a kiss, after which Derek said he loved his wife and didn't want anything but her, causing him to move back to Seattle.

Where did Derek propose to Meredith on Grey's Anatomy?

  • 5) The Perfect Proposal: When Derek decided to ask Meredith to marry him, he chose the perfect place: the hospital elevator, decorated with X-rays from the cases that helped him fall in love with her. "If there’s a crisis, you don’t freeze," he said. "You’ve seen worse.

What are the most memorable Meredith and Derek moments ever?

  • 5 Most Memorable Meredith and Derek Moments Ever 1 MORE GREY'S ANATOMY VIDEOS 2 The Best of the Best: Meredith & Derek 3 In Memoriam: Dr. Derek Shepherd 4 The Death of Derek Shepherd 5 Meredith Grey 6 Derek Shepherd 7 Alex Karev 8 Arizona Robbins 9 Miranda Bailey 10 Callie Torres

Did Mer ever tell Derek that she loved him?

  • Not only did Mer tell Derek that she loved him in a big, scary way, but she begged him to choose her over the wife who cheated. How could we not include it on this list?!

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