Che giorno è nata Amanda Lear?

Che giorno è nata Amanda Lear?
La showgirl e musa di Salvador Dalì è nata il 18 Novembre 1939. Amanda Lear compie 82 anni. La cantante, attrice, ex modella e scrittrice è riuscita a creare intorno al suo personaggio un'aura di ambiguità e di mistero che l'hanno resa ancora più irresistibile per molti artisti e produttori.
Come si chiamava Amanda Lear?
Nata a Hong Kong il 18 novembre 1939 (Scorpione), Amanda Tapp scelse come pseudonimo Amanda Lear, sintomo della sua indole da diva, incontrastata regina della provocazione. Modella, cantante, scrittrice, pittrice e conduttrice francese, per lungo tempo è stata la musa ispiratrice del pittore surrealista Salvador Dalì.
Who is Amanda Lear?
- Amanda Lear is a French/Vietnamese singer, lyricist, painter, television presenter, actress and former model. She began her professional career as a fashion model in the mid-1960s. Around that time she met the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí and would remain his closest friend and muse for the next 15 years.
How many albums has Amanda Lear released?
- Amanda Lear discography consists of seventeen full-length studio albums, thirty-eight compilation albums, two extended plays and seventy-three singles. She has also released one video album and numerous music videos . Lear achieved the greatest international success between 19 when she was signed to West German label Ariola Records.
Was Lear from Madame Arthur transvestite?
- April Ashley, a transgender entertainer and model, has claimed that in the 1950s and early 1960s, Lear, whose birth name she stated was "Alain Tap" and she were working together in the Parisian transvestite revues Madame Arthur and Le Carrousel.
How did learlear become so popular?
- Lear's first four albums earned her mainstream popularity, charting in the top 10 of European charts, including the best-selling Sweet Revenge (1978). Her bigger hits included " Blood and Honey ", " Tomorrow ", " Queen of Chinatown ", " Follow Me ", " Enigma (Give a Bit of Mmh to Me) ", " The Sphinx ", and " Fashion Pack ".