Chi può entrare nel Rotary?
- Chi può entrare nel Rotary?
- Quanti sono i soci Lions nel mondo?
- Come si entra a far parte dei Lions?
- Quanto costa il Lions club?
- What is the difference between the Lions and the Rotary's?
- Which club is better - Rotary International vs Lions International?
- How often do Rotarians and Lions Clubs meet?
- What's the difference between a Leo and a Rotaract Club?

Chi può entrare nel Rotary?
Club Rotaract e Interact Se rientri nella fascia d'età compresa tra i 12 e 18 anni, potresti affiliarti a uno dei nostri club Interact, un club di service per ragazzi e ragazze. Se sei un giovane professionista di almeno 18 anni, potresti affiliarti invece a un club Rotaract.
Quanti sono i soci Lions nel mondo?
In tutto il mondo vi sono circa 144.000 Leo e 5.700 Leo club in oltre 140 paesi. I Lions assegnano sussidi. Dal 1968, Lions Clubs International Foundation ha assegnato sussidi per oltre 700 milioni USD a supporto dei progetti umanitari Lions nel mondo.
Come si entra a far parte dei Lions?
Per diventare un Lion è necessario essere maggiorenni, avere una statura morale adeguata e godere di buona reputazione nella propria comunità. L'iscrizione al club avviene su invito.
Quanto costa il Lions club?
Socio regolare I soci regolari pagano una quota d'ammissione (US$ 25) o una quota d'iscrizione (US$ 30) e le quote internazionali per intero (US$ 43).
What is the difference between the Lions and the Rotary's?
- "The Lions is a club for retired entrepreneurs who want to give something back to society, the Rotary's is a club for active entrepreneurs who want to give something back to society." I believe what he was trying to say is that the Rotary's club is a platform for networking between entrepreneurs who want to do something for charity.
Which club is better - Rotary International vs Lions International?
- Lions is bigger with more members. Rotary has a slightly longer history. Re: Rotary International VS Lions International. Which club is better/more prestigious/shall I join? #20920073 I don't think there's any prestige or even much upside associated with either organization.
How often do Rotarians and Lions Clubs meet?
- Rotarians generally meet weekly and our local (in Edmonton) Lions clubs meet every second week. Rotaract and I expect Leo's meet less often. It really comes down to personalities.
What's the difference between a Leo and a Rotaract Club?
- One minor difference is the number of meetings. Rotarians generally meet weekly and our local (in Edmonton) Lions clubs meet every second week. Rotaract and I expect Leo's meet less often. It really comes down to personalities. Go to the Rotaract meeting and to the Leo meeting.