Come si scrive come me?

Come si scrive come me?
personale, questo viene usato nella forma tonica o forte: come me, come te, come lui, come lei, come loro, e non nella forma del soggetto come io, ecc.); mugghia come fa mar per tempesta (Dante); tutto si è svolto come io avevo previsto.
How to type a with accent?
- To type à (A with grave),press[Ctrl]+[` Grave]then i.
- To type á (A with acute),press[Ctrl]+[‘ apostrophe]then i.
- To type â (A with circumflex),press[Ctrl]+[^caret]then i.
- To type ä (A with umlaut),press[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[; semicolon]then i.
What is a grave accent?
- Definition of grave. : a grave accent ` used to show that a vowel is pronounced with a fall of pitch (as in ancient Greek), that a vowel has a certain quality (such as è in French), that a final e is stressed and close and that a final o is stressed and low (as in Italian), that a syllable has a degree of stress between maximum and minimum...
What are the Alt codes for Spanish accents?
- The simplest way to type Spanish accents and special characters on a Windows PC is using three-digit Alt codes. Press and hold down the Alt key while typing in the numeric code. á Alt + 160 é Alt + 130 í Alt + 161 ó Alt + 162 ú Alt + 163 ñ Alt + 164 ü Alt + 129 ¡ Alt + 173 ¿ Alt + 168.