How do you use the word opportunity in a sentence?


How do you use the word opportunity in a sentence?

How do you use the word opportunity in a sentence?

Examples of opportunity in a Sentence When the opportunity came for her to prove that she could do the job, she was ready. I had the rare opportunity of speaking to the president. Studying abroad provides a great opportunity to learn a foreign language.

What is the verb for opportunity?

OPPORTUNITY + VERB exist | arise, come, occur, offer When the opportunity came, I seized it with both hands. (formal) The company aimed to expand as and when opportunity offered.

Is it opportunity or get opportunity?

1 Answer. In your example, To get an opportunity means the same as to have an opportunity, so, in your example, both phrases mean the same thing, and they both sound fine.

What does it mean to have an opportunity?

an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something: Everyone will have an opportunity to comment.6 giorni fa

Is opportunity singular or plural?

The plural form of opportunity; more than one (kind of) opportunity.

How do you express opportunity?

0:361:01How To Say Opportunity - YouTubeYouTube

Can opportunity plural?

The plural form of opportunity; more than one (kind of) opportunity.

What is the adverb of opportunity?

opportunely. In a manner suitable for some particular purpose. In a manner convenient or advantageous at some particular time.

Can I get the opportunity?

When you "get the opportunity" to do something, it means that you are allowed to do something that you think is good. An "opportunity" is usually something that you want to do to improve yourself, like something related to work, or to an activity that you like doing such as sports or music.

How do you create an opportunity?

6 Ways to Create Your Own Opportunity

  1. Understand Who You Are. Before you start the journey of finding or creating an opportunity, you first need to know yourself on a deep level. ...
  2. Believe in What You Offer. ...
  3. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone. ...
  4. Remain Open. ...
  5. Create Good Karma. ...
  6. Be Decisive.

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