How do you use the word whereabouts?


How do you use the word whereabouts?

How do you use the word whereabouts?

Whereabouts may function as an adverb (“Whereabouts is it?”), a conjunction (“I know whereabouts he lives”), or a noun (“Her whereabouts were unknown”). The noun form may provoke confusion because it feels singular but looks plural; should one write “her whereabouts were” or "her whereabouts was”?

What are your whereabouts?

Your whereabouts are the place you are right now. When your dog gets lost, your family might form a search party to discover his whereabouts.

Is whereabouts correct?

Despite the deceptive S on the end of the word, “whereabouts” is normally singular in meaning, not plural, because it means “location.” However, it is commonly used with a plural verb: “Its whereabouts are unknown.” But the Associated Press prefers a singular verb: “Its whereabouts is unknown.” Many authorities ...

Is whereabouts formal?

The word whereabouts is a colloquialism (meaning vernacular, informal/slang speech). The word location is a more proper/formal term. The first word is typically used in jest: I hope he's all right.

What is another word for where?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for where, like: in which, anywhere, in what place?, at which place?, at which point, in what direction?, wherever, in whatever place, whither, to-what-end and at which.

What is the difference between where and whereabouts?

As adverbs the difference between whereabouts and where is that whereabouts is in, at or near what location while where is at what place; to what place; what place.

How do you use whereabouts in a sentence?

Whereabouts in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The police told me they would contact me if they got any information on my missing car's whereabouts.
  2. We don't know my sister's whereabouts, but we are pretty sure she is somewhere in the gardening section.
  3. The whereabouts of the treasure can be found on the secret map.

What is muddle headed?

Definition of muddleheaded 1 : mentally confused. 2 : inept, bungling.

Is whereabouts a question?

You use whereabouts, usually in questions, when you are asking or talking about where something or someone is exactly.

What is the meaning of where to?

: to what place, purpose, or end whereto tends all this— William Shakespeare. whereto. conjunction. Definition of whereto (Entry 2 of 2) : to which.

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