Come riconoscere un apostrofe?

Come riconoscere un apostrofe?
Può essere un'invocazione o un'esclamazione con cui si manifesta un sentimento di dolore, o di commozione, o di gioia, o di indignazione. In quest'ultimo caso se è seguita da toni veementi, derisione, scherno o sarcasmo diventa un'apostrofe invettiva.
What is the meaning of apostrophe in English grammar?
- Definition of apostrophe. (Entry 1 of 2) : a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in "John's book"), or the plural of letters or figures (as in "the 1960's") In the contraction "can't," the apostrophe replaces two of the letters in the word "cannot.".
Is there a good ground for his sorrowful apostrophe?
- Apostrophe usage is not consistent in the text as in using both dont and dont. In truth, there was good ground for his sorrowful apostrophe, for the scene was very painful to a high-minded witness. It intentionally begins with an apostrophe, not an unmatched single quotation mark, and was left as originally printed.
What is the difference between apostrophe and personification?
- Apostrophe and Personification. Apostrophe often involves the speaker or writer addressing an inanimate object or abstract idea. In doing so, the speaker or writer will often impart to the object human characteristics. The object, in other words, gets personified.
What is an example of apostrophe in the poem to the reader?
- Beaudelaire's poem "To The Reader" may therefore be considered an example of apostrophe, because Beaudelaire describes the reader and makes him come to life, addressing him directly at the end: There's one more damned than all.