Dove si trova la Gambia?


Dove si trova la Gambia?

Dove si trova la Gambia?

Africa Gambia/Continente Gambia Stato dell'Africa occidentale; è costituito da una striscia di territorio, inclusa nel Senegal, che si sviluppa per circa 350 km (con una larghezza massima di 50-60 km) lungo le due rive del corso inferiore e dell'estuario del fiume Gambia.

Quanti regioni ci sono in Gambia?

Il Gambia è suddiviso in regioni, Local Government Area (LGA), distretti, municipalità, città e villaggi. Ci sono 5 regioni (chiamate divisioni dal 19 e province in precedenza) e in un distretto città (la capitale, Banjul).

Is Gambia a poor country?

  • Hunger in The Gambia. The smallest country in continental Africa,The Gambia, is among the continent’s least developed and poorest nations. Over half of Gambians live on less than two dollars a day, which makes it very difficult to acquire adequate food provisions for themselves and for their families.

What is Gambia most famous for?

  • The Gambia has several fascinating landmarks and monuments, with the best-known of these being the Senegambia Stone Circles , including those located at Wassu. Marking various burial sites, the Senegambia Stone Circles are to be found clustered in large numbers, being rather like pillars in their appearance.

What is the best thing about the Gambia?

  • - The residents of Gambia enjoy a tropical climate with 2 seasons. ... - The official language of Gambia is English, although Mandinka, Wolof and Fula are also spoken here. - In Gambia, business deals are apparently based on relationships and trust, rather than salesmanship.

What languages are spoken in the Gambia?

  • Information: Most of the languages spoken in Gambia belong to the Niger-Congo language family of the Atlantic or Congo branches. There are at least 10 languages spoken in Gambia by the various ethnic groups. ... Apart from English which is the official language spoken in schools and public offices there is also Wolof, Serer-Sine, Sarahole, Pulaar, Maninkakan, Mandjaque, Mandingo, Jola-Fonyi and the Aku's Creole (pidgin English).

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