Dove nasce la cioccolata Lindt?


Dove nasce la cioccolata Lindt?

Dove nasce la cioccolata Lindt?

1845: I primi successi Il primo grande successo nacque in una piccola pasticceria in Marktgasse, nella città vecchia di Zurigo, dove David Sprüngli e suo figlio Rudolf Sprüngli-Ammann hanno prodotto la prima tavoletta di cioccolato solido della Svizzera tedesca.

Dove è nata la Milka?

La sede di produzione principale della Milka è in Svizzera , dove ogni anno vengono prodotte tavolette di diverso tipo per circa 110.000 tonnellate. Altri stabilimenti si trovano a Bludenz (Austria), Strasburgo (Francia), Brașov (Romania) e Pszczyna (Polonia).

Quanti gusti di Lindor esistono?

QUANTI GUSTI DI LINDOR ESISTONO? Latte, Fondente, Bianco, Extra Fondente, Nocciola, Stracciatella, Caffè, Arancia, Menta, Cannella, Coccola di Crema e il nuovissimo Abbraccio di Mandorla…

What is the history of Lindt?

  • Immerse yourself in the chocolaty history of Lindt, one of Switzerland’s finest and most enjoyed exports. A man and his son It is 1845 in Zurich. David Sprüngli-Schwarz and his son, Rudolf Sprüngli-Ammann own a small confectionery shop, Sprüngli & Son in the Marktgasse, in the city’s Old Town.

Where is the Lindt Chocolate Factory located?

  • Headquarters and factory in Kilchberg, Zürich. Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG, more commonly known as Lindt, is a Swiss chocolatier and confectionery company founded in 1845 and known for its chocolate truffles and chocolate bars, among other sweets.

When did Lindt & Sprüngli become part of the group?

  • In 1989, Lindt & Sprüngli S.A. in France is integrated into the group as a wholly owned subsidiary. 1986 is not only a great year in the Group's expansion, it is also the year of another milestone in the Lindt & Sprüngli history, as Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG shares are quoted on the Swiss stock exchange.

What does Lindt chocolate do for Christmas?

  • During the Christmas season, Lindt produces a variety of items, including chocolate reindeer (which somewhat resemble the classic bunny), Santa, snowmen figures of various sizes, bears, bells, advent calendars, and chocolate ornaments. Various tins and boxes are available in the Lindt stores, the most popular color schemes being the red and blue.

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