Che cittadinanza hanno i curdi?

Che cittadinanza hanno i curdi?
I curdi normalmente sono scolarizzati nella lingua del paese di cui hanno la cittadinanza (arabo, turco, persiano, ecc.), che spesso non consente o ostacola l'uso del curdo, per cui il bilinguismo è diffuso.
In quale regione si trova il Kurdistan?
Kurdistan Regione geografica dell'Asia sud-occidentale (200.000 km2 circa). Compreso tra il Tauro Armeno a N e gli Zagros a S, comprende il bacino superiore dei fiumi Tigri ed Eufrate, e i laghi di Van e di Urmia. Tra i fiumi principali si ricordano anche il Grande Zab e il Piccolo Zab.
Is Kurdistan a recognized nation?
- At current, Kurdistan is not recognized as an independent country by any United Nations member-state because it has not actually taken the steps to become independent.
Is Kurdistan a state or nation-state?
- Kurdistan is not a country but a region that spans across several countries in the Middle East. These regions are connected by the Kurdish people who are found spread out in these nations.
What is the currency in Kurdistan?
- The currency of Iraqi Kurdistan is the Iraqi Dinar, the same currency that is used throughout the rest of Iraq. Current exchange rates for major currencies are approximately (always subject to change): $ ID. 1 EURO = 1685 ID.
Which are the biggest cities in Kurdistan?
- Kurdistan covers an area of around about 190,000 km², with the biggest cities in the region being Erbil, Diyarbakır and Kermanshah. The Kurdish population are recognized in both Iraq and Iran, whilst we've already established that the Kurds in northern Iraq have successfully obtained autonomous status from the Republic of Iraq.