How much is an 808 drum machine?


How much is an 808 drum machine?

How much is an 808 drum machine?

Roland TR-808
Price$1,195 USD £765 GBP ¥150,000 JPY
Technical specifications

What 808 machine did Kanye use?

Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer [West's] lyrics explored themes of loss, alienated fame, and heartache, while the album's production abandoned conventional hip hop sounds in favor of a minimalist sonic palette, which included prominent use of the titular Roland TR-808 drum machine.

Why is it called 808 drums?

If you're into hip-hop and pop, you've probably heard “808” at some point. That's a reference to the iconic Roland TR-808, a drum machine created by Ikutaro Kakehashi in 1980. ... The machine particularly stood out for its powerful bass drum sound.

What's 808 mean in hip hop?

808 is the common nickname for the Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer, an electronic drum machine from the 1980s popular in hip-hop music. 808 is also often mistakenly referenced as the penal code for “disturbing the peace.”

How much is a Roland TR 808 worth?

"The market value for a TR-808 goes for around $3,500 to $4,000." Myers told THUMP by phone.

Why do 808s sound so good?

“The TR-808's kick drum sound is made using a resonating trigger pulse, similar in behaviour to the way that a drum head vibrates when hit. When a drum head is hit multiple times in succession, even using the same force, the way the sound resonates will change depending on the state of vibration from the drum head.

How long did it take to make 808s and heartbreak?

three weeks 808s & Heartbreak was their first collaboration, and likely the most memorable. “It was probably the easiest Kanye West record that ever got made,” he said. “It flowed the most effortlessly because we basically did it in three weeks.” Ten years after its release, 808s & Heartbreak is an absolute.

Can an 808 replace a kick?

Take a look at any music production YouTuber and they all use the term “808” to refer to any bass sounds that go along with the kick. ... You can set it up so that there is bass in your track, but it doesn't have to come along with a kick, and you can switch out kicks for other kicks in case you don't like how it sounds.

Did Kanye create 808s?

Kanye wanted to express the emotional torment he was going through in his music. And he believed that in order to do that, he would have to go through a musical sea-change and go beyond just rap. ... Kanye's fourth studio album was named “808s & Heartbreak” with the title being inspired by the Roland TR-808 Drum Machine.

Is the TR 707 analog?

While the TR-707 is a primarily digital device, it still employs some analog circuitry like envelopes and amplifiers. The sounds where envelope circuits are used to contour the sounds are the Crash and Ride Cymbal, and the Hi-Hats.

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