Qual è la fidanzata di Rufy?


Qual è la fidanzata di Rufy?

Qual è la fidanzata di Rufy?

Nami è una piratessa proveniente dall'Universo di One Piece. Ex navigatrice della Ciurma di Cappello di Paglia, moglie di Luffy e madre di Erika, Nami è una dei protagonisti principali della Fan Fiction in quanto reincarnazione di Namizu, una dei dieci Cavalieri della Speranza.

Quanti anni ha Nami?

I più grandi sono Brook, Franky e Nico Robin. I più piccoli sono invece Chopper, Usopp e Rufy. Nami, Zoro e Sanji invece sono tra i 20 e i 21 anni.

Quanti anni a Luffy?

All'inizio della storia ha 17 anni.

What does Nami look like in one piece?

  • In the beginning, Nami wore a pale blue, short-sleeved cotton sweater, her yellow skirt and high-heeled sandals. While Luffy and Sanji carried her to be treated by Dr. Kureha (she caught a fever in the previous arc), Nami wore a checkered, hooded parka with the colors white, orange and bright yellow (which Luffy later donned).

Where can I find Nami's original outfit?

  • Nami's original outfit during the Orange Town and Syrup Village Arcs . Nami's outfit during the Baratie Arc . Nami's outfit during the Arlong Park Arc . Nami's outfit during the Loguetown Arc . The first outfit Nami tries on during the Loguetown Arc. The second outfit Nami tries on during the Loguetown Arc.

What did Bell maère do to NAMI and Nojiko?

  • Bell-mère took Nami and Nojiko back with her to Cocoyasi Village, where she would then adopt the two children. The three became as close as any real family. As a child, Nami developed a love for drawing maps and navigation and the dream to draw a complete map of the world.

What is Nami like as a person?

  • Nami has strong memory when it comes to finances since she is mainly handling the Straw Hats' financials due to her fondness of money. While shopping, Nami tends to negotiate as seen during the Return to Sabaody Arc where Nami demanded a discount over the clothes that she attempted to buy at a fashion shop, much to the shopkeeper's chagrin.

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