Dove si trova Tallinn e Riga?


Dove si trova Tallinn e Riga?

Dove si trova Tallinn e Riga?

Riga e Tallinn, accanto a Vilnius, sono tra le capitali più difficili da associare, oltre che le tre Repubbliche Baltiche, perché si fa sempre un po' di confusione tra gli stati: Tallinn è la capitale dell'Estonia, a due passi dalla Finlandia, Riga è la capitale della Lettonia mentre Vilnius è la capitale della ...

Quanto tempo ci vuole per visitare Riga?

Riga si visita tutta tranquillamente in due giorni, ma anche in un giorno soltanto si può avere un buon colpo d'occhio sulla città. Se hai tre giorni a disposizione meglio ancora!

How to get from Riga to Tallinn by Air Baltic?

  • AirBaltic will get you from Riga to Tallinn in about 50 minutes, but airport procedures like queuing and dealing with luggage will drive up the amount of time it actually takes. On weekdays, the trip can cost you as little as €48, or as much as €350 if you travel business class.

How much does it cost to go to Tallinn?

  • You’ll get to climb to the top of a bobsleigh track, see sandstone caves, marvel at medieval castles, visit a military museum and much more! The tour costs €55 and starts at 10 am in Riga, arriving in Tallinn by 10 pm.

How to get from Riga to Valga?

  • The ride from Riga to Valga takes about 4 hours and costs around €5. After that, it’s an additional 3.5 hours from Valga to Tallinn at an added cost of around €15. Taking a train isn’t the most expensive option, but the trip will take up an entire day.

Why is the trip to Riga so time-consuming?

  • The trip is so time-consuming because it takes a longer way of getting to Riga through Tartu and Valga. In Valga you have to switch trains and the layover can be quite long, also you have to buy tickets from two different train companies. Good luck with this one, you are going to need it! 4. Take a plane

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