Come si chiama il figlio di Jason Statham?

Come si chiama il figlio di Jason Statham?
Jack Oscar Statham Jason Statham/Figli Dal 19 ha avuto una relazione con la modella Kelly Brook. Dal 2010 iniziò a frequentare Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, supermodella e attrice britannica, con la quale si è fidanzato ufficialmente nel gennaio 2016. La coppia ha un figlio, Jack Oscar, nato il 24 giugno 2017.
Quanti anni ha Statham?
54 anni (26 luglio 1967) Jason Statham/Età Jason Statham è un attore inglese, produttore, è nato il 26 luglio 1967 a Syndenham (Gran Bretagna). Jason Statham ha oggi 54 anni ed è del segno zodiacale Leone.
Che sport ha fatto Jason Statham?
Calcio, tuffi, arti marziali . Dopo 5 anni passati a inseguire il pallone - giocando tra l'altro con Vinnie Jones, poi attore anche lui - 12 anni da tuffatore nella nazionale inglese e il debutto come modello. Il regista Guy Ritchie lo notò in uno spot pubblicitario.
How old was Jason Statham when he was born?
- Childhood & Early Life Jason Statham was born on , to Eileen Yates, a dancer, and Barry Statham, a street seller and lounge singer. Footballer Vinnie Jones was his childhood friend. He was a member of Britain’s National Diving Squad for twelve years competing on the 10-meter platform and the 3-meter springboard.
How much money has Jason Statham made from movies?
- According to a BBC News report, his film career from 20 generated an estimated US$ 1.5 billion (£1.1 billion) in ticket-sales, making him one of the film industry's most bankable stars. Jason Statham was born on in Shirebrook, Derbyshire, to Eileen ( née Yates), a dancer, and Barry Statham, a street seller.
Is Jason Statham in a relationship?
- Jason Statham is a strong and very attractive man, but he can’t be called a Hollywood heartthrob, because his dating history is extremely short. In 2011 he started dating the young model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, which is 20 years his younger.
What is Jason Statham's secret to happiness?
- When Jason was asked, what secret of their happiness is, he answered, “We just get drunk and float around the swimming pool!” Jason Statham. Family On J Jason and Rosie became a parents of a son Jack Oscar Statham.