How many species of Salmonidae are there?


How many species of Salmonidae are there?

How many species of Salmonidae are there?

66 species SalmonidaeSalmonids There are 66 species of salmon, trout, whitefish, and their relatives. Species in this family are found throughout the northern hemisphere and are some of the most important commercial and sport fishes in the world.

Is trout a salmon family?

Trout are closely related to salmon and char (or charr): species termed salmon and char occur in the same genera as do fish called trout (Oncorhynchus – Pacific salmon and trout, Salmo – Atlantic salmon and various trout, Salvelinus – char and trout). ... Arctic char and brook trout are part of the char family.

Is a trout a salmonid?

It includes salmon (both ocean-going and lake-locked), trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and graylings, which collectively are known as the salmonids. ... The Atlantic salmon and trout of the genus Salmo gives the family and order their names.

Where are Salmoniformes located?

Salmoniformes were originally found only in cool and cold waters of the Northern Hemisphere, where they are one of the most dominant freshwater fishes. In the North American continent, they are found from tributaries of the Arctic Ocean to tributaries of the Gulf of California in northwestern Mexico.

Is Kokanee a salmon?

Kokanee are land-locked sockeye salmon. This means that they do not travel to the ocean and return inland to spawn, instead they complete their entire life cycle in Lake Coeur d'Alene. Their life cycle is 4 years long.

Where do tiger trout come from?

A sterile offspring produced by crossing a male brook trout with a female brown trout, the tiger trout honors its namesake in both appearance and personality. Tiger trout (Salmo trutta/Salvelinus fontialis), is a sterile fish that is a cross between a female brown trout, and male Eastern brook trout.

Is trout a healthy fish?

Like other oily fish, it's an excellent source of omega-3s. ... A healthy source of omega-3 fatty acids, trout is also naturally rich in B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin), vitamin D, phosphorus, and iron. Trout is also a good dietary source of iodine. Freshwater whitefish.

Is trout better than salmon?

Whether you're cooking salmon or trout, they're both great options for your diet. Salmon is often considered healthier than other seafood options, while trout is also a healthy choice of fish. As a result, both trout and salmon are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients and vitamins.

Is trout white fish?

These silvery, small-mouthed, freshwater fish are in the family Salmonidae. Though related to salmon and trout, they have pure-white meat and are traditionally the species used for gefilte fish. Whitefish roe, marketed as golden caviar, is highly valued....Whitefish.
Omega 3:1.4 g

Where did brook trout originate?

RANGE: Brook trout are native to eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. There range extends as far west as eastern Minnesota. The original range of the brook trout also includes the Appalachian Mountains, where they are still found in many high elevation streams as far south as Georgia.

What is the family Salmonidae?

  • The family Salmonidae includes some of the most exciting fish of the world, either to eat or to catch for sport. Their flesh is usually richly flavored and commands a premium price.

What is the scientific name of Salmo?

  • Salmonidae / sælˈmɒnɪdiː / is a family of ray-finned fish, the only living family currently placed in the order Salmoniformes / sælˈmɒnɪfɔːrmiːz /. It includes salmon, trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and graylings, which collectively are known as the salmonids. The Atlantic salmon and trout of the genus Salmo gives ...

What are the characteristics of salmonids?

  • Salmonids have a relatively primitive appearance among the teleost fish, with the pelvic fins being placed far back, and an adipose fin towards the rear of the back. They are slender fish, with rounded scales and forked tails. Their mouths contain a single row of sharp teeth.

What are the different types of fish in the salmon family?

  • It includes salmon, trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and graylings, which collectively are known as the salmonids. The Atlantic salmon and trout of the genus Salmo gives the family and order their names.

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