Quanti anni ha Enrica Guidi?

Quanti anni ha Enrica Guidi?
36 anni (17 febbraio 1985) Enrica Guidi/Età
Come si chiama la tizi del BarLume?
Enrica Guidi, l'esordio nella serie tv con Filippo Timi “I Delitti Del Barlume” Conseguita la laurea, Enrica poco dopo si immerge nel mondo della recitazione trasferendosi a Roma.
Chi è Enrica di Masterchef?
Enrica Guidi è un'attrice italiana nata a Cecina nel febbraio 1985. Dopo aver conseguito una laurea in scienze motorie, ha recitato nella serie tv I delitti del BarLume e in Tutto molto bello di Paolo Ruffini.
Dove si trova il BarLume?
Tra le location protagoniste della serie c'è Marciana Marina, sull'Isola d'Elba, appunto. La cittadina dell'isola toscana, infatti, è Pineta, in cui vive Massimo. Il paese, trasformato in set cinematografico per le riprese, ospita, in piazza della Vittoria, il famoso BarLume.
Where is murders at BarLume set?
- From the producers of Detective Montalbano comes Murders at Barlume, a colorful new series of quirky Italian mysteries based on the novels by Marco Malvaldi! Set in the idyllic beach resort town of Pineta on the beautiful Tuscan coast, the show stars Filippo Timi as Massimo Viviani, the recently-divorced owner of the local watering hole, Barlume.
What is Massimo's job in the BarLume?
- Massimo is a graduate in mathematics who, after winning a Totocalcio board, buys the BarLume and becomes the surly barman. Invariably Massimo finds himself investigating, in every episode, some crimes that take place in his town on the Tuscan Riviera, Pineta, collaborating with the Police commissioner Vittoria Fusco.
What happened to Ampelio in murders at BarLume?
- His passing is duly noted as the third episode begins with the funeral of his character, and later in the episode Ampelio is given a hilarious (and unforgettable) send-off – watch out for the scene where Massimo and Tiziana open his uncle’s “gift”! Murders at Barlume premieres on MHz Choice beginning January 17 th. Don’t have MHz Choice yet?
Is murders at BarLume on MHZ Choice?
- Murders at Barlume, a brand-new series that will definitely quench your thirst for both mystery and comedy, now streaming only on MHz Choice! From the producers of Detective Montalbano comes Murders at Barlume, a colorful new series of quirky Italian mysteries based on the novels by Marco Malvaldi!