What is the IQ of Walter White?


What is the IQ of Walter White?

What is the IQ of Walter White?

145 is a good estimate of Walter White's IQ. That's just above genius level, which is 140. Somebody with an IQ of 145 is very capable of being a college professor or a chemist.

Why is Walter White bad?

Over the course of the series, we learn that Walter White got cheated out of money by signing over his shares of a multi-billion dollar company (Grey Matter) he helped found. Even though his former business partner offers to help Walt's family financially, he's too proud to accept the money.

Is Jesse Pinkman real?

Jesse Bruce Pinkman is a fictional character in the American television series Breaking Bad, played by Aaron Paul. He is a crystal meth cook and dealer, and works with his former high school chemistry teacher, Walter White (Bryan Cranston), in a meth operation.

How long was Walt in hiding?

Walter Jr. Was still in high school and 10 months away from his 18th birthday. Walt came back 14 months after Jesse, Gus and Mike went to Mexico. Figure out how many months between the trip to Mexico and Walt's "disappearance", subtract that from 14, and you have the number of months he was in New Hampshire.

Who is better Gus or Walt?

Gustavo accomplished far more than Walt did. He built a multinational drug empire, took down the cartel AND what built what was allegedly a pretty great chicken joint. :) We know how much Walt was worth at the height of his career but we really don't know how much Gustavo was worth.

Is Walter White an anti hero?

Breaking Bad: 5 Reasons Walter White Is The Quintessential TV Antihero (& His 5 Closest Contenders) ... One of the Golden Age traditions was antihero protagonists, with Breaking Bad's Walter White standing as a prime example — and arguably the gold standard. But Heisenberg has a few competitors.

Is Jesse good or bad?

Originally Answered: Is Jesse from Breaking Bad a good guy or a bad guy? No, Walter White is the villain in Breaking Bad and probably the worst villain in the show until that white supremacist drug dealer gang shows up. Jesse Pinkman is a flawed and troubled person, and definitely not a hero.

Does Walter White have cancer?

  • Walter White received his lung cancer diagnosis on TV in January 2008, in the pilot episode of Breaking Bad. The world’s most famous–and infamous–fictional patient, portrayed by Bryan Cranston, had celebrated his 50 th birthday just weeks before learning he had an inoperable tumor. The Albuquerque chemistry teacher didn’t smoke.

Why did Walter White choose Heisenberg?

  • Perhaps the main reason why Walter White was given the Heisenberg alias, however, is because of the scientist’s famous Uncertainty Principle. This theory claims that a particle’s momentum and exact position cannot both be known for certain.

What kind of cancer did Walter White have?

  • When Walt gets diagnosed with Stage IIIA lung cancer in the first episode of the show, he is given two years to live. The depersonalization that he experiences is what most patients feel after receiving an initial diagnosis of cancer. But the lack of an outward reaction may well mask volcanic turbulence inside.

What are Walter White accomplishments?

  • 1927 - White received the Harmon Award ( William E. ...
  • 1937 - Awarded the Spingarn Medal by the NAACP,for outstanding achievement by an African American.
  • 2002 - Molefi Kete Asante listed Walter Francis White on his list of 100 Greatest African Americans.
  • 2009 - White was inducted into the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame.

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