What is the correct way to write OK?


What is the correct way to write OK?

What is the correct way to write OK?

According to Gregg Reference Manual, okay is written without periods. “In sentences, the forms okay, okayed, and okaying look better than OK, OK'd, and OK'ing, but the latter forms may be used.” When used as a verb, spelling okay out is preferred. OK is the form supported by Merriam-Webster and the AP style guide.

What country spells okey?

VariationWhere used/Origins
ô-kêUsed in Vietnam; okey also used, but ok more commonly.
okeiUsed in Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish and Estonian (together with OK or ok)
okeyUsed in Catalan, Faroese, Filipino, Russian, Spanish and Turkish, sounding similar to the English pronunciation OK.

How do you say OK in a formal way?

Synonyms & Antonyms of OK

  1. agreeable,
  2. all right,
  3. alright,
  4. copacetic.
  5. (also copasetic or copesetic),
  6. ducky,
  7. fine,
  8. good,

Is OK rude?

Gretchen McCulloch, an internet linguist and author of the upcoming book Because Internet, said OK is not inherently rude but the length of a reply matters. “Anything that's shorter can sound curter, anything that's longer can sound more polite,” McCulloch said.

Where did Okie Dokie come from?

The definition of “okie-dokie” is no different from its parent phrase, it's just slightly more childish, a sing-song. Its popular use is sometimes traced back to the movie The Little Rascals, in which it is spelled “oki-doki.” Other accepted spellings are “okey-dokey” and (less commonly) “oukiedokie.”

What does Okely Dokely mean?

convention. Okey dokey is used in the same way as 'OK' to show that you agree to something, or that you want to start talking about something else or doing something else. [informal, spoken] Okey dokey.

What can I say instead of OK?

Synonyms & Antonyms of OK

  • agreeable,
  • all right,
  • alright,
  • copacetic.
  • (also copasetic or copesetic),
  • ducky,
  • fine,
  • good,

Is Okay polite?

Most people don't spell it out, so "ok" is OK ! If you want to be polite and sincere, write "ok, thanks!" Or "ok, thank you very much. "

What does Okkk mean in texting?

okkk: annoyed, excited, she's interested in you ;), or weirded out. okay: same as ok, you felt like typing more than just “ok”, or you have plenty of time to talk.

What does OK mean from a guy?

Did you receive a text from a guy saying “OK” and sat there lifeless wondering what it means? Chances are, it means: OK. Yes, to whatever you said, where ever you wanted to go tonight, and however you wanted to get there.

What is the difference between 'OK' and 'Okay'?

  • Okay and OK mean the same thing. Okay and OK are two acceptable spellings of the same word. In formal writing, follow the requirements of your style guide. You have the answers to the questions. There’s no difference between OK and okay. The older term, OK, (possibly) derived from an abbreviation for an intentional misspelling of “all correct.”

Is OK or okay correct?

  • Okay (OK) is a colloquial English word denoting approval, acceptance, assent, or acknowledgment. OK is most likely short for “ Oll Korrect ,” a jokey misspelling of “All Correct” that needs a little historical context to make sense.

How do you spell okay?

  • What is the correct way to spell the word meaning all right: OK, Ok, or okay. The dictionaries spell it different ways. Answer: The fact that different dictionaries spell it differently gives you the answer: there is no single definitive spelling.

Is it okay or OK?

  • Quite the opposite. It’s actually okay that derives from OK. The exact genesis of OK is unclear, but one popular theory contends that in the nineteenth century, people began spelling “all correct” phonetically (“oll korrect” or “orl korrect”) as a bit of a laugh.

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