Chi controlla Trenord?

Chi controlla Trenord?
Il trasporto ferroviario in Lombardia è gestito da Trenord, società mista controllata con quote paritetiche al 50% del capitale sociale da Trenitalia (FS) e da Ferrovie Nord Milano, a sua volta società quotata in borsa e controllata dalla Regione Lombardia con il 57% delle azioni.
Chi è Federica Santini?
Nata il 29 aprile 1983, laureata con lode presso l'Università LUISS Guido Carli nel 2007. Dal 2018 è Presidente di Trenord S.r.l., società partecipata da Trenitalia (Gruppo FS Italiane) e FNM (Ferrovie Nord Milano).
What is Trenord trains in Italy?
- Trenord Trains in Italy. Trenord is the company that resulted from a merger between the state-run Trenitalia and a rail company in the Lombardy region. Trenord trains serve primarily destinations in Lombardy—including Milan's Malpensa Airport.
What is Trenitalia LeNORD?
- Trenitalia LeNord (TLN) was founded in Milan on 4 August 2009 from the merging of LeNord, company owned by FNM, and the Lombardy regional division of Trenitalia. The first step of the new company was the opening of a new maintenance and cleaning center for trains in Lombardy, the biggest in Italy.
What is the rolling stock of Trenord?
- The company's rolling stock comprises 1850 items, inherited from Trenitalia regional division and from LeNord. As of May 2011, the Trenord rolling stock comprises: E.652. D.445. E 740. ATR 220. As of early 2014, Trenord has started to replace some of the older rolling stocks (such as the Class ALn 668 railcar) with the newer Class ATR 220.
How many lines does Trenord have?
- Trenord inherited Trenitalia and LeNord operations in Lombardy. It therefore operates 42 regional lines, 12 suburban lines, the Malpensa Express and co-operates the EuroCity in Italy in cooperation with Deutsche Bahn and Österreichische Bundesbahnen.