Dove si trova l occitanie?

Dove si trova l occitanie?
Europa Occitania/Continente
Come si chiama la regione tra la Provenza e Pirenei?
Guascogna (fr. Gascogne) Regione e antica provincia storica della Francia sud-occidentale compresa tra la Garonna a NE, parte del basso corso dell'Adour e i Pirenei a S, l'Atlantico a O; verso N non ha limite netto con le Landes di Bordeaux.
Dove si parla lo citano?
Lingua occitana
Occitano Occitan, Lenga d'òc | |
Parlato in | Francia Italia Spagna Monaco |
Regioni | quasi tutta la Francia meridionale, Val d'Aran in Catalogna, Valli occitane in Piemonte, Guardia Piemontese in Calabria |
Locutori | |
Totale | 3.309.000 |
Che lingua parlano gli occitani?
L'occitano, o lingua d'oc (in occitano: occitan o lenga d'òc), è una lingua occitano-romanza parlata in un'area specifica del sud-Europa chiamata Occitania, non delimitata da confini politici o amministrativi e grossolanamente identificata con la Francia meridionale o Midi.
Where is Occitania in Europe?
- Occitania is a Western European country whose borders are defined by the historic area of the Occitan language. It encompasses the south of present-day France, plus Aran (a semi-autonomous county in Catalonia), the Principality of Monaco and the Occitan Valleys in the westernmost area of the Italian region of Piedmont.
How do the Occitan define themselves?
- The first sociological study in Occitan language to know how the Occitan define themselves was started in 1976. The survey shows that the Occitan reality is defined by language for 95% of people, culture (94%), characterization by a common history (69%), an ethnic group (50%), a nation (20%).
What languages are spoken in Occitania?
- Occitan is a minority language throughout Occitania. French has become the majority language in the Occitan territories of the French Republic, as has Spanish in Aran and Italian in the Occitan Valleys in Piedmont.
What is the Occitan Party in France?
- The most prominent is the Occitan Party (Partit Occitan, green center-left), which demands autonomy for Occitania within France and an official status for the language. In regional elections it usually wins some seats in the various regional councils, usually in coalition with other larger parties.