What are the coldest months in Santo Domingo?


What are the coldest months in Santo Domingo?

What are the coldest months in Santo Domingo?

Quick Climate Info
Hottest MonthSeptember (83 °F avg)
Coldest MonthJanuary (78 °F avg)
Wettest MonthAugust (8.20" avg)
Windiest MonthMarch (5 mph avg)
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What is the coldest month in Santo Domingo Dominican Republic?

February Dominican Republic, annual weather averages June is the hottest month in Santo Domingo with an average temperature of 27.5°C (82°F) and the coldest is February at 24.5°C (76°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in September.

What is the hottest month in Dominican Republic?

Quick Climate Info
Hottest MonthAugust (83 °F avg)
Coldest MonthJanuary (77 °F avg)
Wettest MonthAugust (4.57" avg)
Windiest MonthDecember (10 mph avg)
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What is the coldest it gets in Dominican Republic?

The highest temperature ever recorded in town was 32.5 °C, on Octo. The coldest temperature was –1 °C, recorded on Febru.

Does Santo Domingo have snow?

When can you find snow in Santo Domingo? Weather stations report no annual snow.

Does it ever snow in Dominican Republic?

snow! The Dominican Republic reported a light snowfall in Valle Nuevo, a national park in Constanza with peaks of 7,400 feet above sea level. ... Park rangers at Pico Duarte, the highest peak in the Caribbean, report that cold spells can bring a light dusting of snow, which usually melts quickly after hitting the ground.

How many days does it snow in Santo Domingo?

Climate Averages
Santo Domingo Pueblo, New MexicoUnited States
Snowfall10.7 in.27.8 in.
Precipitation56.5 days106.2 days
Sunny277 days205 days
Avg. July High92.4°85.8°

When should you avoid Punta Cana?

But keep in mind: The Dominican Republic experiences some of the effects of the Atlantic hurricane season, which lasts from June 1 to Nov. 30. And Punta Cana in particular has been known to face severe tropical storms, with October being the rainiest month.

Why is Santo Domingo important?

Santo Domingo is the cultural, financial, political, commercial and industrial center of the Dominican Republic, with the vast majority of the country's most important industries being located within the city. Santo Domingo also serves as the chief seaport of the country.

What part of Dominican Republic has the best weather?

If you're looking for sunny skies and desert-dry weather, you can find this most of the year in the Dominican Republic's western region (towards Haiti).

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