What is a gregarious person?

What is a gregarious person?
gregarious \grih-GAIR-ee-us\ adjective. 1 a : tending to associate with others of one's kind : social. b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : sociable. c : of or relating to a social group.
What is an example of gregarious?
Dolphins are gregarious , and large herds often follow ships. This insect is gregarious and nocturnal. Parrots are gregarious and usually feed and roost in companies, but are at least temporarily monogamous. The sal grows to a large size, and is more gregarious than the teak.
Is gregarious a positive word?
Yes, absolutely. The adjective “gregarious” carries a decidedly positive tone. It is an implicitly desirable quality. Few if any people would interpret, convey, or assume a negative vibe based on gregariousness.
Are humans gregarious?
Specifically, compared with females, human males exhibit greater tolerance for and form larger, interconnected groups of peers which we term “gregariousness.” To examine sex differences in gregariousness early in life when children first interact with peers without adult supervision, 3- to 6-year-old children were ...
What is gregarious and answer?
The definition of gregarious is people or animals that are very social and enjoy being in crowds. ... (of a person) Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing. adjective. (zoology) Of animals that travel in herds or packs.
What is the difference between egregious and gregarious?
As adjectives the difference between egregious and gregarious. is that egregious is exceptional, conspicuous, outstanding, most usually in a negative fashion while gregarious is (of a person) describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing.
What does the word stoical?
Adj. 1. stoical - seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive; "stoic courage"; "stoic patience"; "a stoical sufferer" stoic. unemotional - unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion.
Is gregarious bad?
Introduction Gregariousness is a personality trait that influences how people interact with one another and is a subordinate trait under extraversion. A person who is gregarious is highly sociable which can have both positive and negative impacts on day-to-day life.
Is gregarious negative?
gregarious is not a negative term. It means someone is outgoing, easy to meet and friendly.
Is Gregariously a word?
Meaning of gregariously in English. in a friendly way that shows you enjoy the company of other people: He's a great host who gregariously recounts his exploits with a merry twinkle in his dark eyes.