Cosa voleva fare Dr Jekyll?

Cosa voleva fare Dr Jekyll?
Henry Jekyll è uno scienziato che durante i suoi studi sulla psiche umana riesce, miscelando particolari ingredienti chimici, a mettere a punto una pozione che può separare le due nature dell'animo umano, quella buona e quella malvagia.
Chi era Mr Hyde?
Il Dottor Henry Jekyll e il suo alter ego, Mister Edward Hyde, sono personaggi ideati da Robert Louis Stevenson per il suo best seller del 1886 Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde. ... Pur non essendo il personaggio del titolo, in realtà il vero protagonista del racconto è Gabriel John Utterson.
What is the setting of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is set in London and the narrator is Utterson, Doctor Jekyll’s lawyer and long-time friend. At the beginning of the story, Utterson and his cousin Richard Enfield reach the door of a large house on their weekly walk.
What are the main characteristics of Jekyll and Hyde?
- -became popular when he published “Treasure Island” and “The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”; -main characteristics in his works are: suspense, supernatural, strange titles, exotic settings; -The story is told from the point of view of Mr Utterson a lawyer and friend of the scientist Dr Jekyll;
How many narrators are in Jekyll and Hyde?
- -There are four narrators, though whom almost the whole action is seen and filtered: Enfield, Utterson, Dr Lanyon and finally Dr Jekyll himself. -King made an analysis of the novel highlighting: -he compares the dualism of Jekyll and Hyde with the dualism of Apollonian and Dionysian.
How is dualism reinforced in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?
- This setting dualism is reinforced by the symbolism of Jekyll’s house that is one but has two very different faces; -the double of characters: Jekyll and Hyde are the opposites but are two faces of the same character, also Enfield and Utterson replay to the theme of double.