Come ottenere specializzazione Montessori?


Come ottenere specializzazione Montessori?

Come ottenere specializzazione Montessori?

Corso di specializzazione Montessori per educatori (0-3 anni). Requisiti: diploma di maturità di scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Per il lavoro di educatore di asilo nido è comunque richiesto anche il possesso dello specifico diploma di base. Durata: 300 ore teoriche, metodologiche, laboratoriali e di osservazione.

Dove studiare il metodo Montessori?

In Italia l'unico centro abilitato alla formazione di insegnanti Montessori è L'Opera Nazionale Montessori (ONM), che attraverso corsi e seminari istruisce sia insegnanti che genitori.

What is the history of Montessori education in Italy?

  • The Montessori family moved to Florence in 1873, then to Rome in 1875 because of her father's work. Montessori entered a public elementary school at the age of .

What is Montessori's contribution to education and peace?

  • In 1932, Montessori spoke at the International Peace Club in Geneva, Switzerland, on the theme of Peace and Education. Montessori held peace conferences from 19 in Geneva, Brussels, Copenhagen, and Utrecht, which were later published in Italian as Educazione e Pace, and in English as Education and Peace.

When did Maria Montessori have her only child?

  • She also began to travel, study, speak, and publish nationally and internationally, coming to prominence as an advocate for women's rights and education for mentally disabled children. On Ma, her only child – a son named Mario Montessori (Ma – 1982) was born.

When did Montessori return to the United States?

  • Montessori returned to the United States in 1915, sponsored by the National Education Association, to demonstrate her work at the Panama–Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco, California, and to give a third international training course.

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