Dove comprare Culatello Parma?


Dove comprare Culatello Parma?

Dove comprare Culatello Parma?

Salumeria Garibaldi È un punto di riferimento per parmensi e turisti che possono acquistare e gustare i migliori salumi come Prosciutto di Parma, Culatello di Zibello, Salame Felino, Parmigiano Reggiano, funghi di Borgotaro e altre eccellenze che Parma e la sua terra dona.

Quanto costa un Culatello intero?

Piccolo, altezzoso, anche per via del prezzo –sui 70 € al chilo–, meno noto del monumentale prosciutto di Parma, il cugino con l'osso, il culatello è più ancorato alla sua terra d'origine: la Bassa Padana.

What is culatello di Zibello?

  • Culatello di Zibello is one of the main elements of the Parma culinary tradition. Did you know that Maestro Giuseppe Verdi produced culatelli to give to his friends?

Where does culatello come from?

  • It is made from the muscular rear legs of the pig, with the skin and bones removed, matured in the ars on the banks of the river Po and of the lower Parma. Taking Prosciutto as reference which is made from the internal thigh, culatello is obtained from maturing only the rear musclc of the thigh, for at least 12 months.

What is the size of the culatello offered by printparmashop?

  • ParmaShop offers both the traditional culatello and the culatello di Zibello PDO in sizes ranging from 0.5 kg to 4.2 kg. If you want more information about our products, contact us. Our assistance service is always at your disposal to answer all your doubts.

What cut of meat is culatello made of?

  • CULATELLO DI ZIBELLO PDO (PARMA) The most expensive and highest quality cut is Culatello, which has fantastic flavours and a texture which almost melts in the mouth. It is made from the muscular rear legs of the pig, with the skin and bones removed, matured in the ars on the banks of the river Po and of the lower Parma.

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