Come si fa lo screening al seno?

Come si fa lo screening al seno?
Lo screening per la diagnosi precoce del tumore mammario si rivolge alle donne di età compresa tra i 50 e i 69 anni e si esegue con una mammografia ogni 2 anni. In alcune Regioni si sta sperimentando l'efficacia in una fascia di età più ampia, quella compresa tra i 45 e i 74 anni.
Quando ti chiamano dopo aver fatto la mammografia?
Se l'esito è negativo, se cioè non evidenzia problemi, la risposta è comunicata per lettera entro un mese dall'esame. Se la mammografia fornisce un esito positivo o dubbio, la donna viene contattata telefonicamente per eseguire gli accertamenti diagnostici necessari e per programmare le eventuali cure.
How does Seno Medical's imaging system work?
- Seno Medical’s imaging system uses opto-acoustic technology interleaved with ultrasound (OA/US) to generate functional and anatomical images of the breast.
What is Seno's Imagio breast imaging?
- As a new imaging modality, Seno believes that its Imagio® breast imaging system will be a more effective tool to help radiologists confirm or rule out malignancies than current diagnostic imaging approaches, without exposing patients to potentially harmful ionizing radiation (X-rays) or contrast agents, including breast cancer biopsies.
Why Senographe Pristina 3D?
- Our exceptional 3D breast cancer screening technology is clinically proven superior to conventional 2D mammogram technology. GE is committed to patient safety. That's why we are proud that the Senographe Pristina 3D has THE LOWEST DOSE compared to Hologic & Siemens.
What is Senographe Pristina mammography system?
- Senographe Pristina Mammography System. Senographe Pristina mammography system was designed to ease anxiety when the patient enters the exam room. The new, inviting gantry promotes a sense of calm, with elegant lighting and gentle, rounded shapes. A soft-curved surface invites patients into a space of comfort and support.