Quanto vale € 0 50 del 2008?


Quanto vale € 0 50 del 2008?

Quanto vale € 0 50 del 2008?

Tiratura, Valore:
AnnoMarchioPrezzo, EUR
2012 2.20
2011 2.79
2008F 0.51

Quanto vale € 0 10 Malta?

Tiratura, Valore:
AnnoMarchioPrezzo, EUR
2017F 0.71
2016F 0.63
2015 1.58

Quanto vale € 2 Malta 2008?

Tiratura Moneta 2 Centesimi di Malta
Search Search in Anno Zecca Circolanti Divisionali Rarità Valore
2008Parigi (F)0,08

What is the difference between 1 euro coin of Malta and France?

  • 1 euro coin of Malta issued in 2008 has the F symbol of the Parisian mint engraved inside the star at the bottom. In contrast, in the 1 euro coin versions minted from 2011 to the present day, there is no trace of the symbol of the French mint F. In 2016, 20, the F symbol of the French Mint reappears inside the star.

What is the rarest euro coin in Malta?

  • Rare 1 Cent Euro Coin of Malta Malta’s 1-cent rare euro coins are coins classified as R, minted only in the FDC divisional version in the years indicated in the table with the circulations. 2 Euro Cents Coin Malta 2 cents Malta Euro Coins

When was the 1-cent coin minted in Malta?

  • The engraving F reappears on the 1-cent coin of Malta minted in 2016/2017/2018. Malta’s 1-cent rare euro coins are coins classified as R, minted only in the FDC divisional version in the years indicated in the table with the circulations.

When did Malta become a member of the European Union?

  • In reality, Malta became a member of the European Union much earlier, but in 2004 and specifically on . On this page we will see which Malta Euro Coins we can look for and add to our collection of euro coins. You can also check on this other page all the 2 Euro Malta Commemotative Coins.

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