Come cancellare un account su Twitter?


Come cancellare un account su Twitter?

Come cancellare un account su Twitter?

Eliminare account Twitter: procedura Per procedere con la disattivazione bisogna andare sulla foto in alto a destra e selezionare Impostazioni e Privacy. Andare alla voce Account, poi su “Disattiva il mio account” scorrendo in fondo.

Come si eliminano i messaggi di Twitter?

Per eliminare un Messaggio Diretto, tocca e tieni premuto il messaggio, quindi seleziona Elimina messaggio dal menu a comparsa. Per eliminare un'intera conversazione dai messaggi in arrivo, scorri verso sinistra sulla conversazione e tocca l'icona a forma di cestino .

What do I do if I Lose my Twitter email address?

  • If you lose access to your email address that is connected to your Twitter account, you will need to contact your email service provider. Get help with access to your email address. Deactivation is an action that must be taken by the confirmed account holder or by request of a confirmed account holder.

What happens to my Twitter account when I delete it?

  • After your 30-day deactivation window, your Twitter account is permanently deleted. When you don’t log into your account during the 30-day window, it lets us know you want to permanently delete your Twitter account. Once your account is deleted, your account is no longer available in our systems.

How do I recover my Twitter account after 30 days?

  • Logging into your account within the 30-day deactivation window easily restores your account. If you want to download your Twitter data, you’ll need to request it before you deactivate your account. Deactivating your account does not remove data from Twitter systems.

How do I delete or deactivate my account?

  • Click on the More icon and then click on Settings and privacy from the drop-down menu. From the Your account tab, click on Deactivate your account. Read the account deactivation information, then click Deactivate. Enter your password when prompted and confirm that you want to proceed by clicking the Deactivate account button.

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