Quanto guadagna area manager Lidl?

Quanto guadagna area manager Lidl?
Come si colloca lo stipendio di Store Manager presso Lidl rispetto alla fascia retributiva di base per questo lavoro? La retribuzione media per la professione di Store Manager è di 42.500 € all'anno a Italia, ovvero del 8% superiore rispetto alla retribuzione di 39.114 € all'anno offerta da Lidl per questo lavoro.
Quanto si guadagna a lavorare alla Lidl?
€1.442 Gli stipendi medi mensili per Commesso/a presso Lidl - Italia sono circa €1.442, ovvero 84% al di sopra della media nazionale. Le informazioni sugli stipendi provengono da 4 dati raccolti direttamente da dipendenti, utenti, e annunci di lavoro presenti su Indeed negli ultimi 36 mesi.
How much does a district manager make in United States?
- The highest salary for a District Manager in United States is $126,647 per year. What is the lowest salary for a District Manager in United States? The lowest salary for a District Manager in United States is $49,642 per year.
What is a good job title for a district manager?
- District Manager job title. A great job title typically includes a general term, level of experience and any special requirements. The general term will optimize your job title to show up in a general search for jobs of the same nature.
What qualifications do you need to be a district manager?
- Employers typically require a District Manager to have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a business field such as administration or management. Because of hands-on training and experience on the job, a person may receive a promotion as the District Manager without a degree, although most employers require specific educational requirements.
What does a district manager do in a store?
- District Manager regularly visits the Store Manager’s branch to view their progress and ensure everything is running smoothly. Store Managers usually create reports and updates on the store’s performance and provides it to the District Manager for review. Who does a District Manager report to?