Perché viene la sclerodermia?

Perché viene la sclerodermia?
La causa della sclerodermia è ancora sconosciuta. È stato ipotizzato un ruolo dei fattori ambientali, come l'esposizione a solventi organici e tossine, o agenti microbici che potrebbero innescarne la comparsa in soggetti geneticamente predisposti.
Quanti tipi di sclerodermia esistono?
Ci sono due tipi diversi di sclerodermia: sclerodermia localizzata e sclerosi sistemica. Nella sclerodermia localizzata, la malattia è limitata alla pelle e ai tessuti sottocutanei. Può interessare gli occhi e causare uveite; può anche interessare le articolazioni e causare artrite.
What are the treatment options for scleroderma?
- Scleroderma Treatment 1 Treating Scleroderma. Treatment typically focuses on inflammation, autoimmunity, vascular issues and tissue fibrosis (the thickening and scarring of the connective tissue that surrounds the internal organs). 2 Your Scleroderma Support Team. ... 3 The Long-Term Prognosis for Scleroderma. ...
How long does it take for scleroderma to clear?
- While the hardened skin often clears on its own in 3 to 5 years, scleroderma can cause irreversible changes. Darkened skin and light patches can be permanent. Without early treatment, scleroderma can destroy tissue beneath your skin. This can leave you with an area that has less tissue under the skin.
Can scleroderma be diagnosed by blood test?
- Diagnosis Because scleroderma can take so many forms and affect so many different areas of the body, it can be difficult to diagnose. After a thorough physical exam, your doctor may suggest blood tests to check for elevated levels of certain antibodies produced by the immune system.
Can intense pulsed light (IPL) treat scleroderma?
- Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments help some patients. Skin hardening in patients who have a lot of scleroderma on their skin: A type of phototherapy called PUVA can reduce this. When using this type of phototherapy, you take a medicine called psoralen before getting UVA treatment.