What is the Canadian spelling of harbor?


What is the Canadian spelling of harbor?

What is the Canadian spelling of harbor?

harbour harbor(var)harbourharbor
harmonizeharmonise harmonize(var)harmonize

Can you spell harbor two ways?

Harbor and harbour are two spelling variants of the same word. One is used in American English, and the other is used in British English.

What harbor means?

1 : a part of a body of water (as a sea or lake) so protected as to be a place of safety for ships : port. 2 : a place of safety and comfort : refuge.

Is port the same as harbour?

An area situated at the edge of the waterbody where boats and ships moor and transfer passengers and cargo, to/from land, is called port. An area next to the shore, where water crafts are anchored for getting safety from stormy weather, is called harbour.

Is it honourary or honorary?

Although honourary is sometimes encountered and is recognized by the Canadian Oxford Dictionary as a variant spelling, the preferred spelling in Canada and elsewhere in the world is honorary.

How do you spell Boston harbor?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Boston Harbor. Bos-ton Har-bor. Bo-ston Har-bor. Audreanne Huel.
  2. Meanings for Boston Harbor. A popular American Harbor has situated in Massachusetts. Garnet Turcotte.
  3. Synonyms for Boston Harbor. harbor. Montana Conn. harbour. ...
  4. Examples of in a sentence. Google barge coming to Boston Harbor. Tom Williams.

Why does Victor harbor have no U?

The name of the harbour was changed from Port Victor as a result of a near shipwreck blamed on confusion with Port Victoria on the Yorke Peninsula. According to the State Library of South Australia, the lack of the "u" is not influenced by American spelling, but archaic English spelling.

What is the synonym of the word harbor?

port, dock, haven, marina, dockyard, boatyard, mooring, anchorage, roads, waterfront. jetty, quay, pier, slipway, wharf, landing stage. rare harbourage, moorage, roadstead, hithe.

Can harbour be a verb?

harbour verb [T] (HAVE IN MIND) to think about or feel something, usually over a long period: He's been harbouring a grudge against her ever since his promotion was refused.6 giorni fa

What are harbours and ports?

Ports are infrastructure intended for the purporse of vessels docking to load and unload goods or people. Harbours are bodies of water where ships, boats and barges can be docked. Ports and harbours may be situated along coastal or in-land waterways.

What is the difference between Port and harbor?

  • As verbs the difference between harbor and port. is that harbor is to provide a harbor or safe place for while port is (nautical|transitive|chiefly|imperative) to turn or put to the left or larboard side of a ship; said of the helm or port can be (obsolete) to carry, bear, or transport see porter.

What is the difference between Harbour and Marina?

  • As nouns the difference between marina and harbor. is that marina is a harbour for small boats while harbor is a sheltered expanse of water, adjacent to land, in which ships may dock or anchor, especially for loading and unloading. As a verb harbor is. to provide a harbor or safe place for.

What is the plural of harbour?

  • The plural form of harbour is harbours.

What is the definition of a harbor?

  • The definition of a harbor is a place providing shelter or safety or a protected area in the water where boats anchor. An example of harbor is a home for abused women. An example of harbor is a port where someone can tie up their boat. Harbor is defined as to hide, protect or cling to.

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